Abortion is a violation of the Fifth Commandment because one becomes a human person at the moment of conception. Any intentional killing of unborn life is murder. Abortion is a choice and many people look at it as an escape from a bad decision. If you were mature enough to have sex and get pregnant, you should be mature enough to take care of your child, or give it up for adoption. I do not agree with people who have abortions because it is selfish and not giving a human a chance to live.
I feel that euthanasia is a personal choice. If a loved one has been suffering for a long time or terminally ill, it should be their choice on what they want to do with their life. I understand why it is looked at as morally wrong in the Fifth Commandment, but this is a free world and it should be the choice of the ill what they want to do with their life and no one else's choice.
Racism is another sin against the Fifth Commandment because it is a hatred or lack of respect for other persons because of their skin color, ethnicity, or national origin. This attitude has led to problems and injustices for many years and it is very wrong. Every person was made in the image and likeness of God and we are all equal in God's eyes. No one person is better than the next. We are all the same no matter where we come from.