Monday, June 4, 2012

The Holocaust & The Ten Commandments

A Timeline of Events During the Holocaust:

January 30, 1933- Adolf Hitler is elected Chancellor of Germany.
March 22, 1933- The first concentration camp was opened in Dachau in Germany.
May 17, 1934- Jewish persecution becomes prominent with an issue stating that Jewish people could not have health insurance.
September 15, 1935- The Nuremberg Laws were introduced, which were designated to take away Jewish rights of citizenship and discriminated them more.
November 9, 1938- Kristallnacht which was a night of major violence throughout Austria and Germany, more than 100 Jews were murdered and 20,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps and many of their synagogues were burned.
May 20, 1940- Auschwitz concentration camp opens in Poland.
November 15, 1940- The Warsaw ghetto is sealed off with at least 400,000 people inside and from this point on, no Jews can get in or out.
December 8, 1941- The first Death Camp was opened in Chelmno to start mass killing of Jews.
Late 1943- The Death Camps were closed for good and evidence destroyed by Germans with the Russians advancing from the East to start liberation.
October 30, 1944- The gas chambers at Auschwitz were used for the final time.
April 30, 1945- Hitler realizes that he cannot escape what he has gotten himself into. He ends up committing suicide.
May 7, 1945- Germany surrenders and World War II officially ends in Europe.
November 20, 1945- The Nuremberg trials begin and surviving Nazi leaders are tried and convicted.

Explanation of Terms:

Anti-Semitism-Discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews. 
Concentration Camp- A guarded compound for the detention or imprisonment of aliens, members of ethnic minorities, political opponents, etc., especially any of the camps established by the Nazis prior to and during World War II for the confinement and persecution of prisoners. 
Deportation- The lawful expulsion of an undesired alien or other person from a state. 
Genocide- The deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. 
Ghetto- A section of a city, especially a thickly populated slum area, inhabited predominantly by members of an ethnic or other minority group, often as a result of social or economic restrictions, pressures, or hardships. 
Holocaust- A great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire. 
Kristallnacht- A Nazi pogrom throughout Germany and Austria on the night of November 9-10, 1938, during which Jews were killed and their property destroyed. 

The Ten Commandments: 

Many of the Ten Commandments were violated during the Holocaust. The first commandment they violated is the commandment "Thou shall not kill." The Nazi's killed millions of innocent Jews to solve their problems. They had absolutely no reason to kill the Jews and the commandment says that lethal force should only be used when necessary and in a time where a severe danger or threat is present, and this does not apply to the situation of the Nazis. The next commandment they violated is the commandment "Thou shall not steal." The Nazi's took many of the innocent Jews possessions, homes, businesses, and synagogues, and took the Jews away from society.  They stole peoples lives from them and then killed them for no reason which took away their human rights. The third commandment they violated was the commandment "Thou shall have no other god's before me." The Nazi's treated their weapons and Hitler as their god and kept their focus on killing Jews. Their main focus was to wipe out the Jews, and then praise themselves as they did get rid of them, instead of focusing on God and praising Him.