Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bullying- Jamey Rodemeyer

Bullying is becoming a huge problem around the world.  Many people think that bullying is just like in the movies.  When a big kid takes money from a little kid. But bullying can also be emotional.  And sometimes emotional bullying can be even more difficult then physical bullying.

Jamey Rodemeyer, a 14 year old boy from Buffalo, New York took his life Sunday after what his parents claim was years of bullying because of struggles with his sexuality.  His parents said he seemed normal and happy during his first few week of high school, but they now know he put on a brave face for everyone and pretended he was OK.  They wish he didn't.  Jamey was bisexual and struggled with his sexuality and fitting in with peers at school.  He was bullied and teased for his sexuality.  In one of his last posts on his blog he said "I always say how bullied I am, but no one listens...What do I have to do so people will listen to me?"  No one listened. So he took his life.
Lady Gaga dedicated her performance of "Hair" at the 2011 iTunes festival saying "We lost a little monster this week. And I wanted to dedicate this song to him tonight because he was really young. I wrote this record about how you're identity is really all you got when your in school.  It's called "Hair". So tonight Jamey, I know you're up their looking at us. You are not victim, you're a lesson to all of us."  Jamey's last tweet was to Lady Gaga and it said "bye mother monster, thank you for all you have done, paws up forever"a few hours later he took his life.

"Bullying is an epidemic across America, it must be stopped." Emma S.
"Bullying has morphed into something that is uncontrollable now.  With the use of social medias bullying has increased to a level that in unimaginable." Samuel H.
"Bullying has been a major issue across America for a long time and has caused kids to an early grave and should be prevented." Chris G.

At our high school the anti-bullying and cyber-bullying code of contact is strictly enforced.  The code of conduct states "This school expects students to conduct themselves in a manner in keeping with their levels of development, maturity, and demonstrated capabilities with a proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students, school staff, volunteers.  Consequences and appropriate remedial actions for a student who commits one or more acts of harassment or bullying may range from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension or expulsion. Consequences for a student who commits an act of harassment or bullying shall be unique to the individual incident and will vary in method and severity according to the nature of the behavior."  These consequences are enforced for any type of bullying. Emotional, physical or cyber bullying. Our dean of students at the school states “You may not think that what someone says is bullying, but it could be to someone else.”  He also told us how to deal with cyber-bullying. “We seem to thrive on negativity, so if you are trying to get rid of it and stop cyber-bulling confront the problem by blocking them on facebook, talking to an adult, and telling authorities”

Bullying is a huge problem across America and all it takes is one statement by one person to take someones life.  It is always important to what what you say and if you are being you are being bullied or know someone being bullied to tell a trusted adult and try to deal with the problem instead of putting on a brave face for people.  It may just save a life.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

moral thoughts

lying to your parents is worse than lying to a stranger

When you lie to your parents it may seem worse then when you lie to a stranger. However, lying is lying. No matter who you are lying to it is still morally wrong.  Whether you lie about something little or something big you are still doing something that is not right.  You may feel that if you lie to a stranger no one will ever find out but the truth does eventually come out one way or another.  It is always the best thing to tell the truth.  When you tell the truth you do not have to keep track of everything you say. 

when baby-sitting, I wouldn't hesitate to have friends over for a party

When you are baby-sitting it is your job to care for the child or children you are watching.  You are being paid to protect and watch a child and make sure they are safe while the parents are gone.  If you invite friends over for a party you are putting the child in harm by not being able to watch it at all times.  Plus, you usually are not even in your own household so it is also wrong to throw a party in someone else's home.  Babysitting sometimes can get boring but it is always important to put the child first and not think of yourself over the job you have.